Bar Admission Hearings for Bar Applicants in Pennsylvania
Many bar admission candidates who pass the bar are not granted admission because of an issue concerning their character and fitness. The hearing is too important to be taken lightly. If a bar admission candidate is unable to convince the examiners that he or she has the necessary qualities to become a member of the Bar then the candidate will not be admitted. We are here to help and guide you through that process. It is never too early to discuss admission to the Bar with an attorney who is knowledgeable about this process. It is even advisable to discuss admission when a candidate applies to take the bar exam if a candidate is aware of an issue that must be presented to Character and Fitness.
Character and Fitness Hearing
A bar admission candidate who passes the bar exam may be denied a license to practice law because of information contained in or omitted from the applicant’s file, bar application or other information discovered by the investigating body charged with the inquiry. As such, the candidate will not be granted his or her license without convincing the hearing examiner(s) that the candidate possesses the requisite qualities required of attorneys. The bar admission candidate should be represented by an attorney with experience in these matters.
It is important that any bar candidate that is facing a Character and Fitness Hearing address these issues as soon as they receive a letter denying this application to the Bar. Time is of the essence to submit an appeal and request a hearing on your behalf. Thereafter, it is important to discuss any and all issues that a candidate faces to ensure that the best defense is prepared for the hearing examiner(s).
For any bar admission candidates that face a Character and Fitness Hearing, please know that this is important and you need to approach in the best way possible. However, a Hearing is not fatal to your dream of becoming an attorney. This is a process to ensure that any past transgression has been resolved, that you have learned from your past and that you currently possess the necessary qualifications to have a license to practice law.
When you hire us, you can be assured that we will immediately begin to build a strategy to secure the best outcome for you.
Contact Our Office
Hornstine Law, LLC offers every client a free consultation. In order to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced licensing attorneys, please contact our office at 215-568-4968. We are available for a free consultation before and after business hours, and on the weekend upon request.